Çarşamba, Haziran 17, 2020

How to Clean Pomegranate Juice Stains

My son loves to eat pomegranate seeds probably for the same reason I do - that sweet juice that gushes into your mouth (ala Freshen Up gum) when you bite into them
. But they stain like the dickens! Here's one way to remove those stubborn red stains without using bleach.

What You Need

baking soda
tea kettle, microwave or a pan and stove


1. Don't panic
2. Remove garment immediately
3. Bring about 3/4 cup of water to boil in a tea kettle, the microwave or on the stovetop

4. Place about a tablespoon of baking soda in a bowl or glass measuring cup large enough to soak your stain
5. Add boiling water and swish or stir until baking soda dissolves
6. Soak the stained portion of your garment or textile in the solution for a minimum of 15 minutes
7. Rinse in cool water
8. Hang to dry

9. Launder normally
10. Wipe brow - whew! Garment saved!
Additional Notes: This is just one method I've found that works - do you know another? What about, heaven forbid, pomegranate stains on couches or chairs? [P.S. You'll notice in the second photo above that my first instinct was to throw Tide detergent on the stain which is why the stain appears bluish. The Tide couldn't help with this one.]

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