It is commonplace for cafés and restaurants to play music while you eat. A new study asks whether the volume of these tunes might impact how healthful our dietary choices are.
Music can have a visceral effect on us. Indeed, most people reading this will remember a time when music altered their mood — be that positively or negatively.
In the world of retail, manipulating mood can be the difference between a sale and someone walking out of the shop empty-handed.
Given humanity's readiness to be moulded by music, it comes as no surprise that stores and restaurants are incredibly interested in its potential to drive sales.
Playing music is a low-cost intervention that can be endlessly manipulated: from classical to jazz to death metal, and from barely audible to ear-splittingly loud.
Volume and dietary choices
Although retail manipulation is outside of Medical News Today's remit, a recent study, published in the Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, may have implications for anyone trying to lose weight.
Researchers from the University of South Florida Muma College of Business in Tampa investigated the impact of music on people's eating habits. Specifically, they wanted to know whether the volume of the music influenced how healthful their food choices were.
According to the authors:
"[T]his is the first research to examine the effects of ambient music volume on choices between healthy and unhealthy foods."
So, to investigate, they focused on a particular café in Stockholm, Sweden. They played customers music from a variety of genres on a loop, either at 55 decibels or 70 decibels.
Each item on the menu was coded one of three ways: healthful, including items such as salads; non-healthful, cakes and chocolates, for example; or neutral, which included teas and coffees. Customers' purchasing habits were observed across several hours over 2 days.
As expected, when the café was playing quieter music, people chose the more healthful items 10 percent more often.
Diving deeper into volume and choice
Because the study was relatively brief, the scientists decided to investigate further. This time, they headed to a grocery store and carried out a similar experiment: music was played at either a high or low volume and the shoppers' purchases were rated as healthful or unhealthful.
Across almost $60,000 worth of sales, shoppers who were exposed to louder music bought less healthful items than those who listened to quieter music.
Continuing on this theme, they set up another experiment that compared the effect of loud music, quiet music, and no music on the dietary choices of 71 students. The participants listened to classical music at 50 decibels or 70 decibels, or they were subjected to silence.
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