A lower back spasm usually feels like a muscle is firmly contracting or moving. However, it might also feel like a dull ache that moves, a sharp pain in a specific location, or any combination of these painful sensations. Some people also find that pain from lower back spasm radiates to other areas of the body, such as the hips or legs.
In this article, we look at the causes of lower back spasm as well as prevention, diagnosis, first aid for symptoms, and treatment.

Common causes of lower back spasm are poor posture, arthritis, strains, and nerve damage.
Lower back spasm usually occurs due to injuries or inflammation.
In some people, the cause may be something relatively minor, such as a mild strain. In other people, a serious underlying condition may be responsible, such as a herniated or ruptured spinal disc.
Poor posture
Poor posture, especially when sitting at a desk or in a car, can strain the back muscles. This can cause painful spasms. Some people may adapt their posture to deal with the spasms, potentially making the pain worse.
Not getting enough exercise
According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), only around 20 percent of U.S. adults are spending enough time exercising.
It is common for people to pass much of the day sitting down or hunched over a computer screen. Over time, this can weaken the muscles in the back and other areas of the body. The lower back may attempt to compensate for this weakness, which can cause painful muscle spasms.
Sitting for long periods can also cause muscle spasms because of muscle weakness and inflammation.
Muscle overuse and post-exercise pain
The overuse of any muscle can trigger muscle spasms for a few days. Some people also experience post-exercise pain known as delayed onset muscle soreness (DOMS). This is especially common when a person tries a new exercise.
Strains and sprains
A sprain is an injury to a ligament, while a strain is a tear in a tendon or muscle. Both can cause muscle spasms and pain in the lower back. Overstretching the area or falling over are common causes of sprains and strains.
Sometimes muscle overuse can also cause a strain or sprain. These injuries often heal on their own, but they can be very painful for several weeks.
Nerve damage
Conditions or injuries that damage either the nerves in the back or the nerves that carry signals to the back can cause spasms and pain.
One of the most common forms of nerve damage is radiculopathy. This disorder results from inflammation, compression, or injury to a nerve root in the spine. Radiculopathy can cause tingling and pain. Some people may also experience a sensation that feels like a muscle spasm, even though it is not.
Sciatica is one of the most common forms of radiculopathy. It results from the compression of the nerve roots that make up the sciatic nerve. It usually causes pain that travels down a person's buttocks and into the leg, but the pain may also radiate into the lower back.
Diabetes, spinal cord injuries, and some other conditions may also cause nerve problems that can sometimes feel like a lower back spasm.
Disc disorders
There is a disc cushioning each vertebra in the spine. Damage or injury to these discs can cause intense back pain.
One of the most common types of injury to vertebral discs is known as a herniated disc. This is when a disc is compressed and bulges out of the spinal column. Sometimes a herniated disc can rupture, causing even more pain. This can feel like a muscle spasm.
A ruptured or herniated disc can make it difficult for a person to exercise or move. Over time, this can cause muscle weakness that leads to back spasms.
Stress and anxiety

Anxiety and stress may cause lower back spasms.
Some people respond to stress by unconsciously tensing their muscles or by producing more adrenaline. Stress and anxiety can also decrease a person's motivation, which can lead to physical inactivity. All of these factors contribute to the likelihood of muscle spasms.
Sometimes, people may even experience psychological distress as physical pain, which is a process known as somatization. The pain is real, but it does not result from any physical condition or injury.
A crack or stress fracture in one of the bones of the spine can cause spondylolisthesis. This condition can cause part of a person's spine to move out of position.
The resulting lack of alignment can cause back pain that feels like muscle spasms. The muscles may also spasm in an attempt to compensate as the shifting spine will lead to weakness.
Problems with the skeleton
Twisting of the spine, which occurs in scoliosis, may cause muscle spasms in the lower back. Over time, this spinal deformity may also cause a person to adopt a less active lifestyle. This can lead to muscle weakness that makes the spasms worse.
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