Pazartesi, Haziran 28, 2021

8,000-year-old rock painting made with ocher found

An 8-thousand-year-old rock painting was found in Erzurum, which is estimated to have been made with vaccine paint in the Early Chalcolithic age. The rock painting, which was found for the first time in the north-eastern Anatolia region, bears important traces of history from the point of view of the region.

In the Tortum District of Erzurum, rock paintings with deer motif made with vaccine paint containing iron oxides, which are very rare in the Eastern Anatolia region, were found. Scientific studies of the rock painting identified by the history researcher Oguzhan Turk are the director of the Erzurum Museum, Hosni Genç, Assoc. Dr. Yavuz Günaşdi and Dr. It was conducted by Ahmet Cünedi Has.

FIRST IN NORTH EAST ANATOLIA REGION After the examination, it was determined that the sample of the rock painting had been found in the Eastern Anatolia region before, but it was first seen in the North Eastern Anatolia region. It is estimated that the rock painting was made in the Late Neolithic or Early Chalcolithic age. The exact date of the rock paintings, estimated to have been made 8 thousand years ago, will become clear after the completion of the scientific review.

The doc. Dr. Yavuz Gunashdi stated that the discovery was very important in terms of the history of the Eastern Anatolia region. "We have identified very important rock paintings in Erzurum. These paintings are usually done in relief and line technique. We found a painting for the first time in the North-Eastern Anatolia region," he said. "DRAWN WITH DYES DERIVED FROM IRON OXIDES" "This painting is made with vaccine paint. "It was drawn with dyes obtained from iron oxides in this cave, "Gunashdi said," because it was made with vaccine paint, we focus on the fact that this painting is older than the previous ones. We can date it to the late Neolithic or Early Chalcolithic age. This leads us to 7,500 or 8 thousand years ago today,” he said. History researcher Oguzhan Turk, who identified the rock painting, said that the discovery was made 8 thousand years ago.

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