Cumartesi, Temmuz 17, 2021

valleyofthepharaohs Mummy Seller.

A street vendor sells recently recovered mummies, 1875.

During the Victorian era, mummies were brought to Europe and unwrapped at parties dubbed ‘Unwrapping Parties’. Amid gasps of fascination, the upper class would swirl their whisky whilst layer after layer of linen would be peeled away to reveal the preserved remains underneath.

At this point in history Egyptology was still in its early stages. With the discovery of each new tomb, the artefacts would be catalogued, researched and studied. More and more interest was growing over this strange and fascinating ancient civilisation.

It got to the point where the elite hierarchy would pay high prices to get their hands on trinkets, treasures and even mummies to be used as props and conversations pieces at luxurious parties. Egyptology was still in its infancy and these mummies and artefacts weren’t treated with the respect that they deserved.


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